This monochromatic salad is a mixture of thinly shaved apple, fennel, kohlrabi, and celery with white Concord grapes and lovage leaves, which taste like...
This spicy chickpea salad is a classic Indian dish. Garam masala, a blend of dry-roasted spices, can be found in the international section of most large...
Summer's heirloom tomatoes are combined with white and sweet potatoes and fresh greens in a salad tossed with a spicy southwestern dressing. Creamy goat-cheese...
Whatever herbs you have on hand -- basil, parsley, cilantro, mint, you name it -- can be used up in this salad. This recipe is adapted from Jennifer Trainer...
This special Crunchy Jicama, Apple, and Carrot Slaw with Creamy Orange Dressing adds unexpected crunch and bright citrus flavor to barbecue main course...
Along with garlic and anchovies, Nicoise olives are integral to Provencal cuisine. They have an appealing nuttiness and are especially delicious in a vinaigrette...
Humble ingredients tossed in a tangy tarragon vinaigrette make a delicious salad. Succulent romaine is the perfect green to accompany a spicy main dish;...
The goat-cheese discs can be prepared through step 2 up to a day ahead. Cover with plastic wrap, and keep in the refrigerator. Before cooking, brush disks...
A simple swap is all it takes to reimagine panzanella. This Italian summer salad usually features cubes of day-old rustic bread and tomatoes, tossed with...
Use this Egg White and Avocado Salad to make a delicious better-for-you version of egg salad. It makes for a tasty addition to any picnic or lunchtime...
Rhubarb is quite tart, so it should always be cooked with a sweetener -- in this recipe we roast it briefly with a touch of honey before tossing it with...
This colorful Asian-inspired salad (including cabbage, snow peas, mint, and cilantro) gets its "hot" from ginger and chile and its "sour" from lime and...
Rich in fiber and potassium, figs are a sweet and nutritious addition to a salad. Arugula offers plenty of vitamins A and C, and pine nuts have vitamin...
Carrots are no surprise in a winter salad, but paper-thin shavings of uncooked butternut squash are a revelation: They have a very gentle garden sweetness...